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           Adina's Cakery

For The Sweetest Occasion Ever!

Wedding cakes, special occasion cakes, corporate cakes and more...


Wedding Cakes

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
        Gallery 3
Click on last pic to see more

Special Occasion Cakes

90 awesome ye.jpg
Magiician cake.jpg
Paper in a tree cake.jpg
               Gallery 1
             Gallery 2

Corporate Cakes

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Disclosure: Our products may contain or come in contact with milk, wheat, nuts, raw eggs, soy and other allergens. You agree to notify your guests of this risk and indemnify us and hold Adina's Cakery harmless for allergic reactions.

 Cakes and cake decorations are supported by structural, non edible materials such as wooden or plastic dowels, toothpicks, lollipop sticks etc. The client holds Adina's Cakery harmless and  shall indemnifu Adina's Cakeryshould anyone at the event ingestsuch materials and have ill effects from such ingestion.

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